客户 / Client's name:美诺国际儿童成长中心
设计内容 / Design content :VI设计、LOGO设计、IP设计
设计日期 / Design date:2019-10-30
地址 / Project address:江苏 · 苏州
美诺专为0.5-4岁宝宝和家庭提供高品质日托和国际双语早教服务, 长期致力于培养与激发婴幼儿探索和自主学习的能力, 为未来发展打下坚实基础. 我们坚信只有更适合的教育才能培养出更自信更快乐的宝贝.
美诺教育引进美国,台湾先进的教学理念,并结合国内实际情况, 遵循婴幼儿心理发展规律, 通过游戏式教学法和千变万化的教具组合, 激发和培养自主学习能力和创造力, 发展婴幼儿的语言,记忆,逻辑,动手能力和专注力.
Miele specializes in providing high-quality day care and international bilingual early education services for 0.5-4 years old babies and families. It has long been committed to cultivating and stimulating the ability of infants and young children to explore and learn independently, and lay a solid foundation for future development. We firmly believe that there is only more suitable Education can produce more confident and happier babies.Miele Education has introduced advanced teaching concepts from the United States and Taiwan, combined with domestic actual conditions, and follows the laws of infant psychological development. Through game-based teaching methods and a combination of ever-changing teaching aids, it stimulates and cultivates independent learning ability and creativity, and develops infants and toddlers. Language, memory, logic, hands-on ability and concentration.
In 2019, McGill Tor reached a cooperation with Miele to conduct professional brand design for the day care and early education institutions established in Suzhou.