客户 / Client's name:爱+宝贝儿童成长中心
设计内容 / Design content :VI设计/IP设计
设计日期 / Design date:2021-02-05
地址 / Project address:陕西 · 银川
爱 + 宝贝儿童成长中心,以“爱”为题,象征着爱+是由心散发出爱的能量,耐心引导与尊重、细心呵护与陪伴,“加号”是爱的无限延续,也是正能量的投射,让孩子在成长的过程中,不断的探索、孵化未来。
Love + Baby Child Growth Center, with the title of "love", symbolizes love + is the energy of love radiated from the heart, patient guidance and respect, careful care and companionship, "plus" is the infinite continuation of love, but also the projection of positive energy, so that children in the process of growth, continuous exploration and incubation of the future.After fully understanding the needs and combining with his concept of growth center, McGory Soybean attaches great importance to convey the theme of "love" visually.