客户 / Client's name:鸿燕幼儿园
设计内容 / Design content :VI设计、LOGO设计、IP设计、空间设计、景观设计
设计日期 / Design date:2020-11-07
地址 / Project address:四川 · 江油
在设计前期麦吉乇的设计师们头脑风暴,将以鸿雁为造型,以飞扬、昂首向上的姿态飞向远方,寓意志向远大,不甘平凡的梦想,带着小朋友的梦想飞向远方,也是体现了“奋发进取、勇于开拓、求实创新”的园风;鸿雁喜结群,常成群活动,logo图形也是以组合形式呈现,有团结和谐之意;我们将儿童绘画中独有的稚拙感结合到标志设计中来,以最纯粹、最本真的方式来呈现,虽纯粹却也最能打动人心,同时也体现儿童鲜明的个性特征:天真、大胆、夸张、浪漫、率真、无拘无束... 用充满童趣的表现手法融合到标志设计中,引起小朋友的情感共鸣;我们更希望这不仅仅是一个视觉符号,更可以伴随儿童成长,反映儿童的天性。
Hongyan kindergarten takes "responsible education for children today, tomorrow and future" as its tenet; sets up "unity and harmony, forge ahead, dare to explore, realistic and innovative" as its style; and realizes the educational goal of "fraternity, happiness, nature and innovation". The ambition of a swan and a great Hong, which means lofty ambition, is not only the essence of Chinese culture, but also the inheritance of Chinese culture.
In the early stage of the design, Maggie Torr's designers brainstorm that they will take the shape of wild geese and fly to the distance in a flying and upward attitude, implying that they are ambitious and unwilling to dream of ordinary things, and fly to the distance with children's dreams, which also reflects the garden style of "forging ahead, pioneering, realistic and innovative"; wild geese like to form groups, often act in groups, and logo graphics are also in combination We combine the unique sense of childishness in children's painting with logo design, and present it in the purest and most authentic way. Although it is pure, it can move people's heart most. At the same time, it also reflects children's distinctive personality characteristics: innocence, boldness, exaggeration, romance, frankness, unrestrained We hope that this is not only a visual symbol, but also can accompany children's growth and reflect children's nature.