客户 / Client's name:黄山市屯溪区新潭故里幼儿园
设计内容 / Design content :VI设计
设计日期 / Design date:2021-04-10
地址 / Project address:安徽 · 黄山
黄山市屯溪区新潭故里幼儿园 以“当地文化为贯穿,将黄山作为图形形态,延绵的山脉是包容感、稳固,更是是民族志气的象征;连续的排列方式,又似奇松的散开的枝干,代表幼儿坚韧不拔的精神,也代表幼儿每个成长阶段都不可或缺;相互的连接造型,与当地建筑风格相呼应,凸显地域性,又似我们为幼儿共同构建起的充满爱的场所。在图形中融入幼儿纯真的笑脸、活泼可爱,散发美好正能量,圆形的愿景就像 丰硕的种子果实,如同生命的延续;整体一“人”字为造型,是以人为本,师生团结凝聚、共同成长的象征。
麦吉乇在充分了解需求之后,设计师将充满力量的盾牌 、代表幸运的四叶草、上善若水的水波纹以及温暖幸福的灿烂阳光融入其中,展现世界的美好,是成长、时间的见证,为幼儿的一生幸福奠定基础。
Tunxi Xintan Houlin Kindergarten takes "local culture as the
penetration, and Huangshan Mountain as the graphic form. The extended
mountain range is inclusive and stable, and it is also a symbol of
national ambition. The continuous arrangement, like the scattered
branches of a strange pine, represents the perseverance of children, and
also represents that every growth stage of children is indispensable;
The interconnected shape echoes the local architectural style,
highlights the regionalism, and is also like the place full of love that
we build together for children.